Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why are there so many unhappy, lonely people in Toronto?

Why the fuck are there so many unhappy, lonely, bitter people in Toronto? I'm so scared I will end up like that. I so don't want to be in the city for fear of turning into some sort of self centered prick, if I already haven't. I've heard about people in Toronto thinking they are the centre of the universe but who has the right to give a stranger advise? There are so many opinionated people in this city and all quite happy to offer this opinion to anyone and everyone. God! I sometimes feel I've started doing that. I hate myself when I catch myself doing it which unfortunately is usually after I've done it.

There are also tonnes of people in relationships with families and homes and lifestyles and even then, they don't seem happy. Always running and rushing around, doing this and that and never really knowing where they're going. Makes no sense to me. Maybe it's just my first experience really living in a city with so my variety in terms of industries, people and everything else but even then, I don't think that's it. It's something else. It almost feels like people have to either fit in in some community or they don't fit in. As for what that community is, I don't know. It can be residential, ethnic, professional, extra curricular, sports, social, political, generation etc. but if you don't fit in or don't belong to one, you seem to end up not belonging and the result seems to be ....
lots of unhappy, lonely people in Toronto.

Toronto sucks.


  1. This is so sadly true, I've lived here for 5 years now and sometimes it gets so bad. People say you "just need to put yourself out there more". Where do I put myself? To the meetups that scratch the surface of any real connection? To the streets where everyone is glued to their phone and not interested in talking? To the bar where everyone is huddled in groups with their friends already? There is no sense of community in this city. Comparing it to other cities I've visited it's by far the most lonely.

  2. I agree with all that is said above.. Have been here many years and its not getting better

  3. This city has no personality...bigger doesn't mean better.....been here all my life but have had many opportunities to i can see the differences everytime I come back here.

  4. This city has no personality...bigger doesn't mean better.....been here all my life but have had many opportunities to i can see the differences everytime I come back here.

  5. Reason for loneyness is feminism and socialism both these things are meant to divide the family and make everybody dependent on government. As long a feminism and socialism are present nothing will change.

  6. As a 30ish single woman, I have the same shitty feelings. I came to Toronto, moved to Asia and now back to Toronto. Both places are becoming similar...F.... I've tried church groups, meetups, sticking with my ethnic group (who are arrogant, and I spoke their language too...F.....) . I have friendly intentions but people don't value that anymore. My 3 married friends just don't want me around, but all 3 gals kept saying "U need to put yourself out there". This growing selfishness is making me worried about the world.
