Sunday, June 20, 2010

Davisville Psycho

There is this nutjob in Davisville that doesn't let anyone put up posters. Now, he'll put up posters but no one else. We put up some posters last year, along Davisville from Yonge St. to Mt. Pleasant. We thought it was great. Bare poles, buildings, people walking by, clean, nice neighbourhood. Later that night we get a message. Someone threatening to smash our skulls in if we ever poster there again. So what do we do, we poster there again! We were told it was this big guy, riding around on a scooter, who was into animation and such. And we kept our eyes open. We stuck up posters, starting at Mt. Pleasant. We walked towards Yonge on Davisville, sticking up posters on the bare poles, keeping an eye out. We didn't see anything. On our way back, posters seemed missing. Where we thought we put posters, there were none. We could have swore we stuck some up on that pole. We got in the car and sure enough we saw the culprit, in broad daylight, with a knife cutting posters off, clearing the streets of Davisville of posters. We tried confronting him and he just rushed off. Dr. Jamie of Dr. Jamie's Events is the psycho who leaves death threats on people answering machines if they stick up a poster on a public property in Davisville!


  1. As someone who has been a long standing target of this man I would very much like to hear from you.

  2. Reg Hartt faces five child pornography charges after Toronto Police searched his Bathurst St. home

    This is not his first time.
    Police in Toronto have laid charges against Reg Hartt...after seizing films in a raid on his home on Nov 16, 1974

    1. This was posted by the person described as THE DAVISVILLE PSYCHO.

  3. Hartt claimed he had “possessed and displayed material of ‘children in sexual situations,’” and, in bold-type, read: “BOYS BEWARE.”

    1. The only person who made that claim is the anonymous author of the flyers: A 2012, an anonymous poster campaign targeting Hartt claimed he had “possessed and displayed material of ‘children in sexual situations,’” and, in bold-type, read: “BOYS BEWARE.” Another poster alleged Hartt watched “local school kids walking home.”

  4. These unknown comments are from the man reported tearing down the posters and leaving death threats above. He is a poisonous person who has put up thousands of flyers designed to incite violence upon their subjects.For more information on the charges above and this issue contact myself. THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA defended street postering as freedom of speech for people without the means to use mainstream media. They did not defend it to be made into a business. . , , , .

  5. I witnessed Dr. Jamie ripping Philosophy, Flaming fingers and covering up delivery service posters. When asked why he was ripping down philosophical posters and replacing with his ads he replied "some people like that sort of thing" This seems to be interfering with multiple businesses and free speech. Bullies always get it in the end though don't they?

  6. The culture of the time also meant that many controversial films were unknown to Toronto audiences. Hartt was the first in Toronto to screen “Boys in the Sand,” a 1971 gay pornographic film which achieved some crossover success, and which is often linked to galvanizing the gay liberation movement in North American cities. By screening films it wasn’t possible for Torontonians to see anywhere else, Hartt was able to launch discussions that people in Toronto might otherwise not have had.--David Wencer, HERITAGE TORONTO

  7. Death threats aren't cool. But neither is trying to groom younger men Reg Hartt

    1. Please tear down anonymous posters, especially attack posters, regardless of who they attack -- anonymous posters are against city bylaws but MLS (Municipal Licensing & Standards) doesn't spend much effort enforcing them. You are doing the right thing every time you take down an anonymous poster -- one without contact information -- helping MLS enforce the law.

      [If this anonymous comment itself were part of a pattern of harassment you could report it to blogspot, and the authorities could in principle track the IP of the user, just as Jamie's anonymous posters will always lead us to him. If Jamie posts attack posters that have his own contact information we will be in a new era.]

    2. "But neither is trying to groom younger men Reg Hartt." Hartt is not grooming anyone. James Gillis is posting anonymous hate against Hartt and others on the streets of Toronto and on the web. People report finding their stolen bicycles at his sales. Postings on YELP and elsewhere describe how unsafe the stuff he sells is. Buyer beware.

  8. Only one man posts anonymous hate on the streets of Toronto. The poison he posts is poisoning him. The coward knows he is a coward. As the ongoing principal target of this coward's hate I have learned that the people to whom he publishes his message are not as gullible as he thinks. The charges reported against me in his flyers were withdrawn. The Crown informed the court no evidence was found to substantiate them. As for "grooming younger men" the only thing I groom younger men to do is to have the courage to stand up to anonymous haters. People report that they have found their stolen bikes at the back alley bike sales promoted on the city's streets. Bike thieves need fences to sell the bike they steal. If your bike gets stolen you know where to look first. Silence in the face of hate is worse than hate.

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